There’s seven free science fiction stories by Philip K. Dick that are now available in Amazon’s Kindle Store. (Many of the famous author’s earliest short stories have fallen into the public domain.) And Amazon’s also discounting the Kindle version of several of his full-length novels to just $2.99!
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The six seven free short stories are:
The Crystal Crypt
Piper in the Woods
Beyond Lies the Wub
Mr. Spaceship
The Variable Man
Beyond the Door
The Skull
Two more ebooks are available for just 99 cents — the author’s 93-page novel Second Variety, and a special 364-page collection of 13 of the author’s best stories. And the Kindle Store is also offering big discounts on eight more Philip K. Dick novels.
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch ($2.99)
A Scanner Darkly ($2.99)
The Man in the High Castle ($2.99)
Ubik ($2.99)
VALIS (Book 1 of the VALIS Trilogy) ($2.99)
Time Pawn ($2.99)
Total Recall ($3.99)
The Father Thing ($3.99)
Most of these ebooks can be synced with their audiobook version, for a futuristic reading experience. While reading the text of an ebook, you can instantly switch over to its audiobook version on your Kindle tablet smartphone – and the audiobook’s narrator will continue reading right where you left off! And Amazon’s offering a special “Read and Listen” deal for three of the ebooks. You can purchase their audiobook and Kindle editions together for just $8!
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
A Scanner Darkly
The Man in the High Castle
But best of all, there’s 26 Philip K Dick novels that are all being made available free for subscribers to Amazon’s “Kindle Unlimited” program!
Total Recall
The Man in the High Castle
Now Wait for Last Year
The Simulacra
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
Time Out of Joint
The Penultimate Truth
Martian Time-Slip
Eye in the Sky
The Game-Players of Titan
A Maze of Death
Dr. Bloodmoney
The Crack in Space
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
A Scanner Darkly
VALIS (Book 1 of the VALIS Trilogy)
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (Book 3 of the VALIS Trilogy)
Galactic Pot-Healer
Gather Yourselves Together
Confessions of a Crap Artist
We Can Build You
The World Jones Made
The Cosmic Puppets
Dr. Futurity
Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick
Amazon’s just released the pilot for an original TV series based on “The Man in The High Castle”. (Offering an “alternate timeline” where the Nazi’s won World War II, it presents a world filled with spies and imposters and raises questions about both authenticity and history itself.) Its executive producer is Ridley Scott, who first popularized the author to mainstream audiences with his 1982 film Blade Runner. It’s nice to see that the author’s stories are also being giving careful attention, and that they’ll survive humanity’s ongoing movement towards digital reading formats.
I want to believe there are people at Amazon who appreciate Philip K. Dick just as much as we do.
Remember, for a shortcut to Amazon’s Philip K. Dick ebooks, point your browser to