This is pretty exciting. There’s more than 18 different magazines that are now available for your Kindle for a free 90-day trial! I got the news in an e-mail from Amazon, which also highlighted some discounts on ebooks. Seven thriller novels are now on sale for $2.99 or less — and there’s also eight different children’s picture books available for just $1.99 each.
“May is proving to be a great month for readers of all tastes,” Amazon bragged in an e-mail that touted all the special offers. And I have to admit that I’m impressed by how many magazines are available for the
free 90-day subscriptions. Most of them are big-name publications that have been around for decades. To browse the selection, visit tinyurl.com/FreeKindleMagazines. Here’s a list of the 18 magazines that you can read for free for 90 days on your Kindle!
Field & Stream
Ladies’ Home Journal
TV Guide
ESPN The Magazine
Family Circle
The American Scholar
Outdoor Life
Every Day with Rachael Ray
Country Woman
Healthy Cooking
Do It Yourself
Simple & Delicious
Traditional Home
Midwest Living
Siempre Mujer
Diabetic Living
And as an added bonus, that page also lists six more magazines that are available as free color apps for your Kindle Fire tablet (or any other Android-connected device).
Readers’ Digest
Vogue Magazine
Bon Appetit
Better Homes and Gardens
Parents Magazine
Fitness Magzine
It’s a great reminder that a Kindle can read magazines as well as ebooks. (Even after the 90-day trial ends, you can continue your subscription to most of these magazines for just $1.00 a month.)
This is a limited-time offer, so sign up this week if you’re interested in a free trial subscription. This offer ends on Thursday, May 31.
In the same e-mail, Amazon also called attention to a nice selection of discounted thriller novels. (For an easy-to-remember short-cut, just go to tinyurl.com/CheapKindleThrills. They’re all available for $2.99 or less. Here’s a list of the discounted thriller novels.
Already Gone by John Rector
The Shop by J. Carson Black
Vaccine Nation by David Lender
The Immortalists by Kyle Mills
Liquid Fear by Scott Nicholson
Resuscitation by D.M. Annechino
A Small Fortune by Audrey Braun
And finally, Amazon’s also discounted some children’s picture books. (Each one available for just $1.99!) Just point your web browser to tinyurl.com/199KindleKidsBooks. I have to admit that I smiled at some of the silly titles. Here’s a complete list.
There Was an Old Monkey Who Swallowed a Frog
The Hiccupotamus
What If Everybody Did That?
Too Many Fairies: A Celtic Tale
If Beaver Had A Fever
Sneeze, Big Bear, Sneeze!
Stars! Stars! Stars!
Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
Jack and the Giant Barbecue